Great Things in Store for 2018: ProCórdoba Launches is Events Calendar

The Agency for the Promotion of Exports of the Province of Córdoba presents its events calendar for 2018. ProCórdoba’s General Manager Roberto Rossotto stated that one of the main goals for the coming year is to continue working to provide better and greater opportunities for Cordobese SMEs:

“We seek to focus on accompanying the individual project of each businessperson, providing our knowledge and expertise on how to access external markets. In addition, we will continue our business intelligence program for new productive sectors and keep up measuring the impact of all of our actions.”

ProCórdoba Agency works to enable and aid a company’s first steps in foreign trade with a view to cementing the entry of companies in international markets and increase the economic opportunities of small and medium-sized enterprises in the province. This work prioritizes the diversification and added value of exports.

Luis Gilli, from the Trade Promotion Department, said,

The plan for 2018 is to organize a total 117 national and international events comprising Trade Missions by sectors, Multi-sector Trade Missions, Inward Missions, Business Rounds and Visits to Fairs. On the other hand, there are great expectations in relation to the evolution of the Brazilian market, which is of great strategic importance for certain sectors in Córdoba. We will continue our efforts to consolidate trade with Asian markets; in particular, for the food sector and some added-value products. The service subsectors linked to technologies with great export potential, such as Gaming, Ad Tech for agricultural applications, audiovisual and medical technologies, will remain strong in terms of export. Latin America will receive numerous visitors from our Cordobese companies.”

With his eyes on business intelligence, Technical & Commercial Information Manager Ezequiel Lijtinstens commented,

“Next year we plan to continue carrying out business intelligence activities to generate export development programs for different sectors. The goal is to strengthen the work we’ve already started with the auto parts, rubber & plastics, and pasta & baking sectors, and to start the research process for the agricultural machine and software sectors. In this Department, we seek to attain better quality information about international trade, organize training events and activities tailored to the needs of the Cordobese businessperson, and provide foreign trade specialized assessment services.”

Finally, Cooperation and International Relations Manager Viviana Arias referred to this year’s work and the work planned for 2018:

"This Department analyzes trends and works on international issues were institutional efforts, relationships between different entities and the public-private bond are essential to attain objectives. That is why in 2018 we will strengthen our services for companies. For example, we will provide training on Public Procurement, Humanitarian Assistance and the Private Sector, Women and International Trade, and Institutional and Commercial Relationships with Southeast Asia. Throughout all these activities, dialogue and interactions with various government, academic and business actors enable medium- and long term constructive processes. The cooperation branch will receive special attention this coming year in order to build and consolidate shared efforts.”

ProCórdoba finishes 2017 having achieved incredible goals: it provided support to 793 companies, funded 70 FExIC projects, and became certified to the ISO 9001 standard for the twelfth year in a row.

All the events and activities planned for 2018 can be checked on our web calendar by clicking here.