120 Business Meetings in the 9th Reverse Mission of the Hardware Sector

From 30th to 2nd October, a Business Round was carried out in the framework of the 9th Reverse Mission of the hardware sector, machines, tools and construction elements, which allowed over 100 business interviews to be conducted.  

The event was organized by the Foreign Trade Chamber of San Francisco and the Region (with the support of partner companies). Likewise, the Federal Investment Council (CFI) and ProCórdoba Agency collaborated with the meeting through the Foreign Chambers with which collaboration agreements for trade promotion were made: the Argentine-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce CAMARBRA) and the Entrepreneurial Chamber of Argentine and Bolivian Integration (CEIBA)-.

In this opportunity, six businessmen from Uruguay, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Ecuador and Panama participated. Moreover, the foreign representatives made 24 technical visits to the local companies  according to the common interests between import companies and export companies. Thus, they were able to complement the business rounds with the knowledge of companies, their structure, and their production processes till the finished product.

Regarding the expectations at the business rounds, David Lara Morán, representative of the Ecuadorian company called Prointec, said:

"We came here with high expectations of doing business because the Argentine market offers good quality and good service for importing. Prices are more affordable because tariffs are lower in relation to other countries in the world.”

As regards the results, Lara Morán said that he came here looking for hydraulic equipments and hand and pneumatic tools. Regarding this, he said: “I found what I was looking for. This is the reason why I visited the factories; I got interested in several companies.”

What is more, Lino Avila and Juan Pablo Bottaioli, from the Uruguayan company called Montesur LTDA., said:

"We've got very good responses in the interviews. We saw lots of new products that we can incorporate. The stiffest competition in the Uruguayan market comes from China, but Argentina has possibilities if it looks for quality and tries to see the way to lower prices.”

Moreover, Fernando Salazar, from the Panamanian company called Fausto Salazar S.A., highlighted that he found products that may be interesting. He said "we have to evaluate which of the products can be incorporated in our lines.”

The local companies that participated in the event as offerors were the partner companies of the Foreign Trade Chamber of San Francisco and the Region and other companies such as: Biassoni e Hijos SAICA, Pessot S.R.L., Vulcano equipos de lubricación,  Rubén Gatti Electromecánica, Ever Wear S.A., Computrol S.R.L., Hidrar S.R.L., Barbero S.A., Dovis y Federico, Indugom S.R.L., Caima Segall, Lasso S.A., Ferretera General Paz S.A., Talleres Gan-Mar S.R.L.,Plumita S.R.L., Torreón Neumática S.R.L., Metal Med, Grupo UNESA and Dario Delfabro S.R.L.