“Argentina must regain the ambition to become global”

During an hearing held at the headquarters of ProCórdoba Agency, the Vice-president, Jorge Gleria, together with the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Mining, Roberto Avalle, had a meeting with Carlos Magariños, Argentina’s ambassador in Brazil.

The officials presented the characteristics about the production and export reality of the province related to its main trade partner and they also described in detail the programs, activities and training courses that are carried out by ProCórdoba Agency in the Brazilian market.

Magariños also said that his administration in Brazil is going to be based on three priority axes: strengthening the institutionalization of the bilateral relation, renewing the enthusiasm for integration by reinforcing the bilateral link to work together in third markets, and bringing the integration process closer to ordinary people, where the regions, provinces and cities must play a key role due to the imminent richness of the federal nature.

In this sense, the Ambassador said:

“The relationship between Argentina and Brazil has been developed through confidence and political willingness. We are going to continue working and renewing the enthusiasm for the integration processes and strengthening those groups that understand that both countries play a key role around the world.”

He also said: “I agree with President Mauricio Macri that both countries are rich and have a great opportunity to work in third markets. We must think and take a strategic position.

Finally, he stated that “Córdoba is a center of innovation, progress, production and export. It is a thriving and innovative province. Córdoba has ambitious ideas and projects; it has the ability to be an active player in this bilateral relationship. People from Córdoba have a national government that supports them. Argentina must regain the ambition to become global.

 The Minister, Avalle, thanked the official’s visit and highlighted:

“The personal contact builds confidence. Magariños came to listen and collect information and to encourage the business sector to have a more active participation. The personal contact overcomes barriers that cannot be overcome at a distance. These meetings imply joint work; in my opinion, they are the starting point.”

At the conference, the directors of ProCórdoba and the entities present delivered reports that allow the new diplomat to know the characteristics and challenges of the business sector in connection with Brazil. The Ambassador proposed some guidelines for the technical work coordinated by the diplomatic representation and the Agency.

The authorities of the Córdoba Industrial Union, the Foreign Trade Chamber of Córdoba (CaCEC), the Association of Businessmen from the Central Region Argentina (AERCA) and the Argentine Peanut Chamber attended the meeting.