Córdoba Drives International Trade and Promotes Investment

  • The public and private sectors are working on new initiatives for the internationalization of the province.
  • The year 2024 will see the development of both "Invest Córdoba Summit" in the province and "Córdoba Day" in strategic destinations.

ProCórdoba Agency, the Córdoba Tourism Agency, and representatives of business chambers from different productive sectors met and put in motion new initiatives to position the province abroad.

The efforts are part of the "Córdoba in the World" program, which aims to strengthen and enhance the usual activities conducted by the province for the sake of trade promotion. The agenda has been enhanced to include new investment promotion actions besides the support provided to SMEs for participation in international fairs and trade missions.

Córdoba Day
This initiative involves actions in strategic countries - organized between ProCórdoba and the Córdoba Tourism Agency - aimed at positioning the province as an attractive destination for investment and international tourism. The goal is to grasp the available strategic opportunities to position Córdoba in specific markets and destinations, tapping into the comparative advantages, goods, and services that the province has to offer.

Aimed at foreign companies, groups of investors and States, it seeks to highlight the potential and opportunities for settling in the province, as well as for exporting and investing in the various sectors that make up the productive matrix. Córdoba Day is expected to be held in Bogota, Lima, Santiago de Chile, Madrid, and Brazilian cities during 2024..

Invest Córdoba Summit
An event designed to promote foreign direct investment, it will bring together foreign businesses and investors from all corners of the Earth to showcase the potential of the Province of Córdoba. There will be exhibits, talks, business rounds, and stands to display the offer of provincial regions and productive sectors. Official organizations, academic institutions and business sectors will all take part. The event is to be held in the city of Córdoba in the last quarter this year.

The kick-off meeting, headed by ProCórdoba Agency's President Pablo De Chiara, was attended by representatives of the following entities:

  • Córdoba Tourism Agency,
  • Association of Meat Processors, Packers and Industrial Producers of the Province of Córdoba,
  • Córdoba Grain Exchange,
  • Córdoba Chamber of Foreign Trade,
  • Chamber of Health Industries,
  • Argentine Peanut Chamber,
  • Córdoba Chamber of Wood, Furniture and Equipment,
  • Association of Manufacturers of Agricultural Machinery and Agricomponents of the Province of Córdoba,
  • Córdoba Chamber of the Energy Industry,
  • Río Cuarto Business, Trade, Industrial and Service Center,
  • Córdoba Mining Chamber,
  • Chamber of Informatics, Electronics and Communications Industries,
  • Córdoba Chamber of Metallurgical Industries and Components,
  • Córdoba Cluster,
  • Córdoba Industrial Union,
  • Córdoba Hospitality and Food Service Federation,
  • Chamber of Tourism of the Province of Córdoba,
  • Córdoba Convention & Visitors Bureau,
  • Córdoba Association of Travel Agencies, and
  • Hotel and Tourism Association.