Its main objective is to promote the products and services of Cordobese companies in international markets. It also seeks to become the State's online tool used by companies to inform the world about their offer, and to work as a document that potential foreign clients can permanently consult when they seek up-to-date information about the export offer of the Province of Córdoba.
Eligibility and Requirements
Free registration is open for companies based in the Province of Córdoba that either permanently or occasionally export goods and/or services, or that have the intention and potential to do so.
To register the company, go to and provide the information required about your company: a description of the products/services it exports or seeks to export, their tariff position, contact information for foreign customers to reach you (email address, phone number, etc.), website and social media information. You will also be asked to provide institutional images (logo, images of products, etc.) that will help you communicate information about your company.
For more information, contact us at:
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: (0351) 4343065/66/67/68 Ext. 509/505
Mon-Fri 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM