Exports from Córdoba amounted to USD 4,762 million during the first seven months this year, which represents 15% of the country’s exports. This number evidences a 5% fall compared to the same period in 2016, which can be accounted for by the lower values of the shipments to the province’s main trade partners: China, Brazil and Viet Nam, three countries which represent 31% of the province’s exports. Nonetheless, other destinations included among the province’s top ten had a positive performance: Algeria (+24%), the Netherlands (+23%), the United States (+16%), and Chile (+11%).
The province’s exports went to a total 142 destinations during this period. The 20 main destinations among these concentrated 78% of the export value. Exports by broad categories were distributed as follows: articles of agricultural origin (in Spanish, MOA) represented 49% of the total, whereas primary products (PP) amounted to 36% and articles industrial origin (in Spanish, MOI) represented 14%.
Regarding primary products, cereals represented 57% of the exports, with China being the main destination (28%) and Viet Nam, Algeria, Brazil and Egypt coming next (each representing 8% to 9%).
Articles of agricultural origin exports, on the other hand, consist mainly ofresidues and waste from the food industries (54%). This product category stands out due to the relative diversification in its destinations: Viet Nam is in the first place, with a 12% share in the exports, and it is followed by India, Indonesia and the Netherlands,, which represent 8%, 7% and 6% respectively.
Articles of industrial originare shipped to the following countries: Brazil, where exports show a concentration with the highest percentage (46%), the United States (15%) and Germany (9%). The concentration is also reflected on the products, where transport equipment (railway, tramway, other vehicles and parts thereof) represent 53% of the MOI exports.
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