Gerardo Seidel: “ProCórdoba provides companies with knowledge for business development”

In the framework of the "Foreign Trade Conferences" organized by ProCórdoba Agency, the following interview to Gerardo Seidel, the President of Cordoba Industrial Union (UIC), was carried out. He highlights the importance of these conferences and mentions the goals of the entity for the current year and the achievements of the joint work between ProCórdoba and entities of the sector.

- Which are the goals of Cordoba Industrial Union for this year? Which are the most relevant initiatives that are being carried out for the sector you represent?

-UIC aims at protecting the interests of the industrial sector of the province of Córdoba. This will be the goal during this year. We have to continue working to improve the industries' competitiveness of our province. Our days are not easy and the intermediate entities must accompany their partner companies. The most relevant initiatives in which the entity is working on nowadays are the consolidation of the promotion programs to improve SME competitiveness, the exchange of projects and proposals with government authorities from the three levels of the State for the generation of public industrial policies and the structuring of activities that tend to the generation of business opportunities in the industries.

- Being part of the Directory of ProCórdoba Agency, what does it contribute to UIC? Which have been the results or particular actions of this work during these last years?

-Promoting the exportable offer of Cordoba production focusing on the higher added value and facilitating the internationalization of companies are some of our goals as an entity. These are also the central goals of ProCórdoba Agency. Being able to work in cooperation with the agency for the achievement of those goals is a great contribution to the UIC. Moreover, carrying out this task by actively integrating the Directory allows being close to the decision-making and giving clear answers to the industries of province of Córdoba.

-What does the joint work with leading institutions contribute to the sector of local foreign trade from the Directory of ProCórdoba Agency?

-ProCórdoba Agency is a particular example of a state policy that persisted in different governments and has as important point the private-public partnership. This situation has led the Agency to be an example at national and international level. He highlighted that ProCórdoba has always focused on promoting a policy of foreign trade that helps mainly SMEs to have a greater international insertion. ProCórdoba Agency provides companies with knowledge on trade promotion, technical and business information, agreements of international cooperation. All of them are essential for business development. 

-During May, the Agency organizes Conferences on Foreign Trade “Consolidating the export culture” with the aim of thinking about and training on the challenges of foreign market. What are UIC's expectations about this proposal? In what way can this initiative contribute to the institutional strengthening of the sector?

-The organization of these Professional Development Workshops linked to the export culture has been a great initiative of ProCórdoba Agency because it gives value to the importance of foreign trade for industries. Companies can not only focus on the domestic market. They have to transcend, look beyond the borders, explore new possibilities, look for alternatives; eventually, they have to grow. A program full of interconnected events focusing on helping companies to strengthen their export culture is essential for this goal. Moreover, they will be able to find tools useful to progress. Certainly, this will also bring ProCórdoba Agency close to companies.