Norberto Delfino: “ProCórdoba Agency is a Successful Management Model”

In the framework of the "Foreign Trade Conferences" the President of the Foreign Trade Chamber of Córdoba (CaCEC) and Director of ProCórdoba Agency, Norberto Delfino, was interviewed.

-Which are the goals set by the Foreign Trade Chamber for this year? Which are the most important initiatives that are being carried out for the sector you represent?

-Our entity regularly carries out its strategic planning and in this opportunity with a view to 2020. One of the main goals is the development of the Federal Inclusion Development Program from Argentina to the World that is agreed with the Federation of Foreign Trade Chambers (FECACERA). This offer is being presented to different candidates for President and to their technical staff.

At the provincial level, we are going to work in order to improve the institutional relation, that is to say, the "relational map" in such a way so as to be able to perform actions with a broad range of sectors and entities in the internationalization of companies. 

We will continue with our contribution with the Group of six, ADEC, Forum of the Central Region, and particularly in ProCórdoba Agency by contributing from our “expertise.” 

We want to begin our awaited project of the Headquarters for the Fiscal Warehouse and Comprehensive Service Center whose beginning is planned for November. This area will allow for the building of an area for industrial development with which we will be making a contribution to Córdoba and its companies.

In terms of training, in addition to continuing with the training activity on Human Resources through our Higher Institute of Foreign Trade (ISCE), we are going to work on specialized training for Senior Management. 

Regarding the permanent services, they will be oriented to this strategic vision that tends to facilitate the internationalization of companies in such a way so that they have an efficient impact through the actions of Trade Promotion, Associative Groups, Technical and Operational Advice, Certification of Origin and supply chain support through our Fiscal Warehouse.

-Being part of the Directory of ProCórdoba Agency, what does it contribute to CaCEC? Which have been the results or particular actions of this work during these last years?

-CaCEC fostered the development of this new management model of Foreign Trade Promotion through the public-private action. Since the foundation of the Agency, we have provided our support because we understood the benefits of this articulation and the joint efforts to develop the export industry of Córdoba, and mainly of SMEs. The different tools created and improved by the Agency since its foundation have a positive impact which facilitates the process of supporting companies in the search for markets and in their consolidation for their products and services.

The sector represented by our Chamber is certainly the direct beneficiary of the Agency’s action.

-What does the joint work with leading institutions contribute to the sector of local foreign trade from the Directory of ProCórdoba Agency?

-Certainly, joining efforts and strategies when the economic and human resources are limited and they have to be used efficiently is a benefit. ProCórdoba is a successful agency that has been consolidated locally and it stands out nationally.

This action has been fostered by a Directory made up of leading institutions -public and private- that represent different sectors of Córdoba’s economy and the region that make up our province.

Likewise, I believe that something important to highlight is the professionalism of its teamwork that it is being consolidated year after year.

-During May, the Agency organizes the Foreign Trade Conferences “Consolidating the export culture” with the aim of thinking about and training on the challenges of foreign market. What are CaCEC's expectations about this proposal? In what way can this initiative contribute to the institutional strengthening of the sector?

-For a province like Córdoba, with a high international participation that impacts on different areas, dealing with topics related to this sector is very important and even more when it is a matter of raising not only export awareness at a business level but also authorities’ awareness about the importance of international trade and its economic and social impact. To do it, we believe that these conferences will effectively contribute to this goal CaCEC adhered to. 

ProCórdoba Agency, throughout its history, has gained local, national and international prestige. It is considered to be a successful management model and this should fill us with pride and satisfaction. Its contribution, throughout the years, has had a positive impact on this important sector of the industrial and export productive activity of Córdoba. This must encourage us to continue in the quest for new tools that allow us to improve efficiency in order to support companies from Córdoba in their process of internationalization.