Ormay Looks At Latin American Markets


In this interview, Alejandro Soriano, owner of Ormay Company, speaks of the company's participation in the Export Development Program of ProCórdoba Agency. Moreover, he talks about part of the company’s history and diversification.

- Ormay is a brand that represents development. How old is the company?

-More than 60 years. The company was founded in May 1953.

- After so many years, what identifies Ormay today?

- The distinguishing feature is the product diversification. In this sense, the model chosen goes against specification. The permanence over time is also part of our identity. Choosing permanence as the first goal is a very important commitment because it means giving priority to the development even in difficult times.

Moreover, we are comprehensive manufacturers of our products. This is a hallmark that allows us to employ around 60 people.

-How did Ormay successfully install its brand at national level?

-From its beginnings, its focus was the sale in Córdoba and in the Northern part of the country was taken as a complement. We chose not to enter the Capital and Gran Buenos Aires because of the competition of the major manufacturers. Since its foundation up to now, we choose the rest of the country. This allows us to have more stability in the commercial and industrial field.

On the other hand, we do not sell directly but we sell to a customer that commercializes directly to the public. We transfer our ability to these customers and try to be represented by. This is essential.

-You said that a characteristic of the company is diversification. What products are you producing now?

-We have two brands. The second brand of the company is Okey, which is over ten years old. We used to have a product, the gas cooker, with a certain width which used to have an important market position. There, we found a market niche different from the wide cooker. Then we decided to use a brand we had to relate it to Okey which is the brand for this new product range.

In the line of Ormay cookers we expanded the product range, diversified models and achieved customer diversity. We have made aesthetic changes (non-functional ones). This has allowed us to enter market successfully.

What is more, water heaters and gas heaters were also products that became a complement of the line. In 2005 we started the project of a wall oven and a cooktop. We introduced innovation in this line; it was a huge leap because they were mid-range and high-end products that we didn’t use to have. This project began with a particular characteristic: producing a product from scratch without using parts of other product.

-How did Ormay's interest in foreign trade emerge?

-Two years ago ProCórdoba Agency offered us the Export Development Program. First, we asked ourselves whether it would be convenient or not because the exchange rate was not favorable. We were not able to buy imported components. In contact with the Agency's technicians we became aware of the benefits of being quite prepared when possibilities emerge, even when we did not see immediate opportunities. Then, we decided to start working a year and several months ago.

-Which were the achievements you got from this work?

-Today we have contacts in some neighbouring countries. We know that the volume of products in connection with the prices is not important to move because of the logistics it implies. Anyway, our potential customers are, above all, in some neighbouring countries. Last year we made first contacts with Bolivia and we are strengthening them in pursuit of real opportunities. We are also looking for alternatives in Paraguay.

We understood that we had to work the export profile although there was no immediate possibility of exporting. It is a sluggish conviction; it takes time but we are seeing the progress.

-In addition to the proximity, why are neighbouring countries important markets?

-We saw that even though Chile has a small and unsteady market, it commercializes with the East. This is a huge potential. Brazil can represent a good opportunity too. In Bolivia, we realized that Santa Cruz and La Paz are enjoying a substantial growth with a good demand for our products.

In that country, we had a key contact that placed a large order. They are analyzing purchasing opportunities in the future. We know that it is a slow process to which logistics is added. This implies transferring our products, but we did not start the work in the Export Development Program for an immediate search. Moreover, what is valuable of ProCórdoba's counselling is the accompaniment, the continuous search for opportunities and the improvement of our export profile.

Know more about this company through the Directory of Exportable Offer of the Province of Córdoba by clicking here