Pre-Professional Training for local and foreign students

ProCórdoba Agency, which continues with its commitment to consolidate the export culture, provides local and foreign students with the opportunity to carry out their pre-professional internships in different areas.

Pre-Professional Training aims to validate academic learning. In other words, students who participate in this type of training will be able to acquire new knowledge and skills through their performance in a work environment.

Below, students who have already participated in these pre-professional internships tell us their experiences.

Stefania Sanchez Mondino (22), Accounting Student at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the National University of Córdoba (UNC):


"When I started my internship position I was in 4th year of my career. I attended classes at the Faculty and then I applied what I had learnt directly to the Agency. I learnt how to make real booking entries and, for the first time, I handled the fiscal application. I've also learnt and updated my knowledge. The internships and my career have complemented each other very well. When I needed time to study, it was given to me; Procórdoba Agency supported me throughout university and allowed me to graduate."

Facundo Londera (22), Student of Political Science at the National University of Villa María (UNVM):

“I gained experience at the Agency and I took advantage of that in order to enter the labour market, have job responsibilities and stay on schedule in order to adapt to bureaucratic issues. It was a good opportunity for me to be accepted by the Agency because it is a very well-known at the provincial level. The contact was very important as a reference in my CV. Nowadays, I am working in another field that is more closely related to politics."

Paulina Dieguez (23), Student of International Trade at the Siglo 21 Business University  (UES21):

“My experience was pretty good; it meant my first contact with the profession. At that time, I was very young and I didn't have any job experience. Today, I am working and I believe that having worked at the Agency was a very good experience because I made contact with other companies and colleagues. Moreover, I was able to put into practice my knowledge about  exchanges, export flows between Argentina and Brazil and, above all,  everything related to market research. What is more, I was able to broaden my knowledge about the export potentiality of Córdoba."

Aldana Gómez Morán (23), Accounting Student at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the National University of Córdoba (UNC):

"At the Agency, I worked on the impact and measurement analyses of the information, technical and commercial area through the Faculty internships, and then, through paid internship. The internships allowed me to enter the working culture, know what is a job environment and learn about interpersonal relations. Moreover, I learnt how to apply what was related to my career (but geared toward foreign trade) to my job such as: duties, taxes, and regulations.”


Ulises Martinelli (38), Student of the Higher Technician in  Customs Regime at the Aeronautical Training Institute (ICA):

"Nowadays, I work in Public Administration. The internships were part of a requirement I had to fulfill in one of the subjects of the Faculty. That was the reason why they were short-term internships. I would like to have known a bit more about the Agency. However, I was able to know other aspects of foreign trade, such as: international relations. In particular, I was interested in the work done with SMEs and the possibilities and tools they are provided with. I was able to put into practice my knowledge about different special export regimes, customs operation (formalities) and broaden my perspective on foreign trade."

María Florencia Baudino (23), Student of the  BA in International Relations at the Catholic University of Córdoba:

"Working in ProCórdoba was a great leap forward. I learnt what a workplace and a teamwork were and to stay on schedule. It was my first job experience. Now that I've been working in other places I've realized that I've got some experience at working. I've learnt a lot about networking and how to organize my time to meet my goals."



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