Pre-vocational Training: Interview with Marie-HélèneBrémont

We talked to the Director of EM Strasbourg Business School. We have a training agreement with her for their students in our agency.

In order to consolidate the export culture, ProCórdoba Agency provides the opportunity to carry out Pre-professional Internships, not only for students from national institutions but also for students from foreign ones.

Within the framework of this service, we had a conversation with Marie-HélèneBrémont, Director of EM Strasbourg Business School. She has an agreement with our agency.

Which is the aim you are looking for as an educational institution regarding the education internship system of your pre-professional university students?

In France, we consider that applying academic knowledge through the internships allows students to acquire professional experience. It is necessary to promote the labour insertion of our students and the opening to the international context.

This is the reason why we want our students to do internships for at least 11 months, in their 3rd year of study. We also want our students to do one of the internships abroad. The aim is that at the end of their university studies, the students can be hired by a well-known company, at a national or international level, with a responsible position in the sector.

Which are the skills and abilities that are developed through the pre-professional internships in our organization?

The students develop their knowledge and their ability to communicate and value their skills in ProCórdoba. As a school, we help them to develop their personality through university courses on personal and professional development and you help them to put into practice what has been acquired during the year. You accompany your interns during the internship, with a company tutor that provides the interns with counselling and orientation. The tutor teaches them how to behave in an organization and how to do it with a supervisor. This is essential for us as a university institution.

Which are the criteria you had in order to choose our organization as a receiving agency?

One of the students, who is doing an internship in your organization at the moment, told us about his interest in working with you. So we got informed about the Agency and the possibility of signing an internship agreement with a well-known organization was a unique opportunity fully consistent with our goal to intensify our presence internationally, which has been developing for a couple of years.

Which are the benefits that our organization contributes to your pre-professional students in terms of training?

You organization allows our students to develop their technical skill in your international institution and it provides them with a vision of reality, with the professional context of a company that is part of the public sector in Argentina. In the current context, just one third of the students has this opportunity abroad, and our development plan consists in encouraging them to live this experience in organization like yours.

Which are the assessment tools you use to measure the contribution of our organization to your students regarding the pre-vocational training?

We have a precise follow-up procedure of internships in companies. Each student has a university tutor who assesses the intern on the basis of a list of qualified indicators, with the help of the organization. We ask them to assess written and oral communication, cognitive abilities (analysis and synthesis), professional efficiency (taking initiatives, curiosity, rigor, anticipation) and the relational efficiency (communication with other members, team spirit, ability to interact in an international environment).

Which are the results you've got from the assessment regarding the internships that were done in our organization? 

Our students are happy because of their internships in ProCórdoba; however, the results we've got show us that we have to better train our students on working in foreign organizations by offering them courses on personal, international and professional development.

We thank Marion Bromley, who is responsible for the Bachelor program internships of international students in l’EM Strasbourg Business School. She was the intermediary in the creation of the agreement between the institution and the Agency, and also this interview.

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