ProCórdoba Agency met with the Undersecretariat for Foreign Trade of Santa Fe

Roberto Rossotto (General Manager of ProCórdoba Agency) and Luis Gilli (Manager of Trade Promotion) were welcomed by the authorities of the Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade under the Ministry of Production of Santa Fe. The meeting was led by the Under Secretary of Foreign Trade, Carlos Braga, and the Director of Foreign Trade, Daniel Galaverna, and it aimed at strengthening links and establishing joint actions regarding foreign trade between the provinces. 

Before the Officials’ visit, the provinces exchanged its calendars of activities proposed for 2016. During the meeting, joint actions and projects were defined such as trade missions for production sectors of exportable supply:  dairy food, flour, agricultural machinery, agro-parts, machinery and equipment for food industry and auto-parts.

On the other hand, authorities highlighted the importance of entering new strategic markets together. Some of the markets were African countries, Russia, Eastern Europe, Mexico and Colombia. Then, the meeting ended with the definition and detail of the activities related to each province and the commitment of both parts to continue strengthening links. 

The General Manager of ProCórdoba Agency evaluated the meeting and said:

"The meeting was significantly positive to coordinate and optimize the use of own resources and those derived from the national organizations related to foreign trade and to improve communication and joint work."