ProCórdoba Closes the 5th Foreign Trade Sessions

For the fifth year in a row, ProCórdoba Agency has hosted a new edition of the Foreign Trade Sessions, which took place along the month of May.

The activities were organized with the support and participation of different universities, institutions, business entities and Government departments, and welcomed around 700 people. The goal was to provide a space were businesspeople could reflect about their field, and prepare for addressing the challenges posed by the international markets.

The activities, which took place both in Córdoba City and abroad, were varied and included inward and outward trade missions for different sectors, courses, specializations, seminars, workshops and other training instances offered by professionals from ProCórdoba.

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The main event of the Sessions involved presentations by Federico Lavopa (MA), International Trade Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Production and Labor of the Nation; Minister José María Arbilla, National Director of International Trade Negotiations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship; and Engineer Miguel Donatelli, International Relations Coordinator of the National Service of Agri-Food Health and Quality.


Present at the opening ceremony was ProCórdoba Agency President Jorge Marcotegui, who shared his view and said,

In these difficult times it is very important to try and sell products and services abroad, and to add value to them in the Province, generating labor. There is no better social policy than the generation of genuine, well-paid work, and that is what we are doing."

The closing words, on the other hand, came from the Province's Industry, Trade and Mining Minister Roberto Avalle, who declared that

the people of Córdoba have demonstrated time and again they have a true vocation for export, going a long way back in time. I want to acknowledge the commitment of those who have done the work, including ProCórdoba Agency, which has become a renowned institution not only at the provincial, but also at the national level. I believe that all these efforts encourage us to keep working hard to attain more competitiveness and gain a stronger presence in the international markets."


Thanks to these activities and the never-ending work of the different productive sectors, ProCórdoba continues strengthening the export culture of the Province, generating a synergy between the public, private and academic spheres that helps to create an impact in the international trade market.