
ProCórdoba Agency, with the aim of contributing to the consolidation of the export culture in the province of Córdoba, offers Pre-Professional Internships  for local and foreign students.

In this opportunity, we want to show you the interview with Gabriela Capurro (Coordinator of Pre-Professional Internships). She is in charge of carrying out the necessary actions in order for students at Siglo 21 Business University  (UES21) to be able to participate in internships within our institution.

-Which is the goal you are pursuing as an educational institution based on the System of Educational Internships of the pre-professional university students?

-We want our students to participate in a professional internship before entering the labour market and, for this reason, we pay attention to the organizations we have agreements with. We developed a learning model based on skills, where distance and semi-distance learning students are also involved in the internships. We have 2,100 students that are distributed in 23 provinces of Argentina through 163 university learning centers and we made 1,100 framework agreements all over the country.

-Which are the skills that are developed by the students through the pre-professional internships in our organization?

- At ProCórdoba Agency, we believe that students are involved in the working life because they are part of the technical teams and they are asked to perform a specific task. They are provided with daily support. This opportunity is very important to help them develop the skills we want to improve through their pre-professional internships. What is more, the profile of the tutors of the organization is similar to the academic ones. The Agency fits perfectly well.

-Which are the assessment tools used to measure the extent to which our organization contributes to the pre-professional training of the students?

-We do it through a performance test. Our goal is that the students reach a mark higher than seven. Besides, in this semester, we have included a self-assessment also based on our learning through skills: analysis and critical evaluation, problem solving, professional ethics, writing and argumentation.

The results obtained from this assessment tool were good. Participating in the internship at ProCórdoba has awakened the interest of our students in entering the labour market.

Have access to more information about the system of pre-professional internships of ProCórdoba Agency by clicking here