ProCórdoba organizes Conferences on Foreign Trade during May


ProCórdoba Agency, under the Ministry of Industry of the Province of Córdoba, reports that during May Conferences on Foreign Trade “The Consolidation of the Export Culture” will be carried out with the aim of bringing the actors related to the field together.

This initiative seeks to encourage the institutional strengthening of the sector linked to foreign trade. This is the reason why different instances, together with leading entities in the field, will be carried out. They allow thinking about the present and the future of the sector. Associativity is one of the topics that are going to be dealt with through clusters and export groups, information about analysis of foreign trade, contact with international leaders, presence of events with national and international projection, modalities and export opportunities, etc.

From the proposal of a dynamic and collaborative agenda, the Agency for Export Promotion suggests this new instance to promote the international business profile of the province.

This initiative is addressed to exporting SMEs or SMEs with export potential, entities linked to business and foreign trade sector, journalists, students and general public. The events will be held in Córdoba City and in different cities of the province such as Río Cuarto, Villa María, Marcos Juárez, San Francisco and Villa Dolores.

About the proposal, Jorge Marcotegui, President of ProCórdoba Agency, said:

“These conferences seek to make known the topics of foreign trade and the work that is being performed by different sectors. In a context of transition and change, it is appropriate to suggest, from a province with a great export tradition, a dialogue between different public entities and private ones about the diverse aspects crossing foreign trade.”

Moreover, the President of ProCórdoba added: “Conferences are also an open space for reflection, updating and training on different aspects of foreign trade. It is an opportunity to establish, in the public agenda, the various problems that are dealt with in this field.

Among the activities that are going to be developed this month, there is a visit of national and international operators to the Province in the framework of business rounds for companies and export groups from different sectors formed by the Management Service for the Training of Export Groups of ProCórdoba Agency. What is more, there will be presentations of publications linked to the promotion of SMEs' internationalization, the development of trade missions and the participation in fairs abroad, seminars, talks, trainings, among other activities.  

Likewise, there will be institutional meetings for the presentation of services that are offered by ProCórdoba and the dissemination of publications produced by the Agency itself. They are related to sectoral reports of exports, instruction manuals for participating in international tenders, statistics reports and technical documents about provincial exports.

Relevant Activities

In the framework of the conferences, the presentation of the Foreign Trade Observatory of the Foreign Trade Chamber of Córdoba, the international seminar “Clusters as a tool for modern industrial policy” (with the participation of representatives from different countries), the presentation of a study on the marketability of Brazil for the automotive parts, oil and gas sector, among other relevant proposals will be made.

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