ProCórdoba Participated in the International Food Fair of Rosario – FIAR 2015


ProCórdoba Agency, under the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Mining, and Scientific Technological Development of the Province, reports that from 15th to 17th it accompanied 20 companies from Córdoba in National and International Business Rounds organized by the Argentine Confederation of Medium-Sized Companies (CAME). They were held in Metropolitano - Convention &Event Centre in Rosario. In this context, it is important to highlight that these rounds were coordinated jointly with the Secretariat of Food of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food.

Companies of the province carried out 90 meetings with previously selected counterparts that reached a total of 140. Meetings with companies from other provinces were coordinated through the Intra-National Pogram of the Area of Technical and Commercial Information and they were carried out by the Area of Commercial Promotion with foreign operators. Likewise, companies from Córdoba had the opportunity to show their products in the exhibition stand of Córdoba Province, which was coordinated by the Secretariat of Food of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food.

Representative companies of all the countries that are part of MERCOSUR participated in these international rounds. What is more, companies from Argelia, Peru, Mexico, Italy, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Russia, Puerto Rico, Turkey and Croatia participated in such rounds with the attendance of their Commercial Attachés. Furthermore, eight Argentine provinces were present in the national rounds.

The round invited important companies of the food and supermarket sector. Producers of food, beverage, cleaning products and toiletries, oils, frozen products, snacks, baked product, meat, vegetables, fresh and dried fruits, among others also participated. 

Businessmen from Córdoba who participated in the coordination of ProCórdoba Agency were benefited from the cost of participation in the Round and from an expenditure recognition of transport and accommodation.

After these rounds, different meetings were held between officials from both sectors and businessmen from Córdoba. The ones who participated were: the Secretary of Food , Fernando Fontana, the General Manager of ProCórdoba Agency, Roberto Rossotto, the Manager of Technical and Commercial Information, Simón Blengino and Roger Marquez, Member of the Secretariat of Food.