ProCórdoba Presented its Services to the Provincial Legislature

ProCórdoba Agency welcomed the members of the Promotion and Development Commission of Regional Economies and SMEs and the Domestic, Foreign, and Mercosur Trade Commission of Córdoba Legislature.

The meeting aimed at presenting the Agency and the services provided to Córdoba SMEs through the Areas of Cooperation and International Relations, Trade Promotion, and Business and Technical Information. For this reason, the corresponding managers of each area were present: Luis Gilli, Simón Blengino, Daniela Huarte and Viviana Arias (accompanied by her work team).

The General Manager, Roberto Rossotto, was responsible for the presentation. He talked about ProCórdoba's aim to promote the internationalization of SMEs of the Province of Córdoba, increase the exportable offer and strengthen the export culture.

The Agency has specific services and work levels for different sectors of companies. It looks for meeting the needs of export companies, those companies with export potential and non-export companies. In this sense, the public-private characteristics of the Agency were presented. It was informed about the organizations that make up the Directory. Moreover, each of the services provided was presented. Regarding this, it was emphasized that the activities will be approved by the Directory between October and November in order to implement them next year.

At the time of consulting, the legislators' concerns were about the provision of the Agency´s services to the interior, the planning of events, the monitoring and assessing results and the characteristics of the Agency's staff and their stability throughout time.

Regarding this, it was emphasized that each year ProCórdoba Agency helps 600 companies, of which 60% are in the interior. The consistent work done to have a stronger presence in the provincial interior was also emphasized and it was said that in May, during the Foreign Trade Conferences, organizations from all over the province will be invited to be given information about the services provided by the Agency in order for these organizations to transfer them to their cities. 

Finally, Rossotto said that from the area of Technical and Commercial Information, a six-monthly impact assessment of the activities was carried out. This work helps at the time of making decisions.

From the bloc “Unión por Córdoba” and member of both Commissions that were invited, Dardo Iturria said

"I assert ProCórdoba's work. I was a mayor and I remember that I used to accompany an entrepreneur to Córdoba Bank Foundation (Fundación Banco de Córdoba) to get finance. The project was a bb gun ammo factory. We accompanied him to the foundation and he got the finance he needed. It began to improve and at a second stage, we contacted ProCórdoba (…) the Agency did a great job not only with that company but also with the whole department and the region. Through the business round, his company expanded and today it exports to over thirty countries, a company that started from scratch. I think the work they do is important."

The above-mentioned commissions were represented by their rapporteaur, Facundo Barrionuevo, and the legislators: Ilda Bustos, Gustavo Alberto Eslava, Dardo Alberto Iturria, María Angélica Romero, Miriam Cuenca, Adriana Oviedo, Juan Martín Fresneda, Carmen Rosa Nebreda, José Luis Scarlatto, Matías Viola and Gustavo Jorge Carrara. Daniel Juez, on his part, accompanied the president of “Frente Cívico.”