ProCórdoba Presents a Program of Specific Promotional Actions

From the area of Commercial Promotion of ProCórdoba Agency, it is reported that the "Program of Specific Promotional Actions" is available to businessmen of the province.

This program fosters Córdoba's commercial promotion through two types of actions: the institutional linkage at the international level and the management of individual agendas for companies of different sectors that are interested in Latin American markets.

The international linkage agreements for commercial promotion are based on support and collaboration agreements with Business Chambers located in strategic markets.

At present, there are strategic agreements with the Argentine-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce - São Paulo (CAMARBRA). These agreements were made since the opening of the Business Center of Córdoba in Brazil (CordoBra). What is more, it is important to take into account that a collaboration agreement was signed with the Entrepreneurial Chamber of Argentine and Bolivian Integration (CEIBA) last April.

These alliances allow the optimization of ProCórdoba Agency's services such as:

- Reception of requests for technical information about relevant markets.

-Publication of business opportunities and current demands in countries where there are agreements in force.

-International dissemination of companies of the province and their exportable offer through the website: Exportadores de Córdoba (Córdoba Exporters).

Moreover, a new promotion activity "Individual Agenda Management" is incorporated. It aims at promoting the internationalization of SMEs with export potential, mainly occasional exporting and/or non-exporting SMEs, through the entry in new Latin American markets.

For further information:

Alejandra Nazar

Commercial Promotion

E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: 4343065/68  Int.:504

Mondays to Fridays from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm