ProCórdoba progresses in a Business Intelligence Investigation addressed to the production sectors of the province

ProCórdoba Agency progresses in a Business Intelligence Investigation, which will permit making an initial diagnosis and a further orientation to the effective export development of each local production sector.

The presentation of this tool was held at a work meeting in the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Mining. It was attended by the Secretary of Industry, Pablo De Chiara, the General Manager of Control of Food Industry, Federico Priotti, and the exhibitors of ProCórdoba Agency. They were led by the General Manager, Roberto Rossotto.

The aim of this report is to find out those companies of Córdoba that are able to export and figure out in which market they would place their products and provide some advice about the possible changes in order to have access to new markets.

At the meeting, the specialists showed the used methodology, which is the own development of ProCórdoba and it can be applicable to all the production sectors of the province.

Methodology of Study and Test Case

The report was based on a particular case, the milk sector, which was selected because it was considered to be of high potential at a provincial level.

The methodology implied a report of the potential markets through an index made up of four big fields that involve different sectors and aim at analyzing circumstantial aspects, structural aspects, aspects of purchasing power, etc.; on the other hand, a report on the own supply was carried out.

In first place, there was an exhibit that was made up of 106 companies. They were asked about the different aspects regarding their supply, authorizations, organization, and interest in exporting, among other things. Then, the range of companies was limited to 16.

As a result of this analysis, the specialists that are members of the area of Technical and Commercial Information of ProCórdoba Agency presented different proposals of public policies that may be useful for promoting the export development of the dairy companies of Córdoba. 

*Have access to more information about the Business Intelligence Service offered by ProCórdoba Agency by clicking here