ProCórdoba Provides SMEs with Export Development


The Area of Technical and Commercial Information of ProCórdoba Agency, under the Ministry of Industry, carries out jointly with Credicoop Foundation the Diverpymex Export Development Program within different companies that want to sell their products and services abroad. To do so, specialists from ProCórdoba provide accompaniment and "know how" transfer to set, in the company, a system that allows to operate abroad independently and continuously.

Since the creation of the program, half of the 14 participating companies have already made their first export (Toucex, Samal Agro, LM Amoblamientos, Vecchio Pool, Denimed, Alfacal and Gráfica Latina). About the proposal, the Manager of the Area of Technical and Commercial Information, Simón Blengino, said:

“This program meets the companies' needs in their projects of internationalization and provides customized services on the part of ProCórdoba Agency in light of new foreign trade challenges.”

ProCórdoba Agency has carried out an “in company” assistance modality for local SMEs for 4 years. This year there is a call for interested companies. Then, the local companies Ormay, Vecchio Pool and Gráfica Latina tell us their experience.

Regarding the work carried out, Jorge Vecchio from Vecchio Pool highlighted: 

“ProCórdoba helped us make the first export. We succeeded in exporting to Miami; the idea is that in the future this client will be the representative of Vecchio Pool there.”

With respect to the importance of this program, Vecchio highlighted: “It allowed us to be prepared for any export. The work with ProCórdoba agency was like a school where we flourished. At the beginning we knew nothing about foreign trade but then, we learned about it with significant achievements.

Moreover, as from the strengthening of its international profile, this company has the possibility of making sales to Mexico and Spain. In the European country good possibilities are envisaged because a company with over 74 franchises got interested in Vecchio Pool.

Alejandro Soriano from Ormay Company (dedicated to the manufacture of gas appliances) said: "Thanks to the DiverPyMEx Program, we have contacts in some neighbouring countries. We made the first contacts with Bolivia and we are strengthening them in pursuit of real opportunities. We are also looking for alternatives in Paraguay and Peru.”

Regarding the challenges, he said:

“We understood that we had to work the export profile even though there was no immediate opportunity to export. It is a slow conviction; it takes time, but we are seeing the progress. What is valuable of ProCórdoba’s support is the accompaniment in the continuous search for opportunities and in the improvement of our export profile.”

Gráfica Latina is a local company that successfully consolidated its international profile on the basis of the Export Development Program of ProCórdoba. Natalia Heyd Murad, General Manager of the company, said:

“We intended to export but we didn't know how and where to start. Among all the benefits that this company has provided, it helped us find the path and provided us with the accompaniment that every company needs when, for the first time, it will take a different action from the ones that are taken daily."

About the Export Development Program for SMEs

It lasts a year and it is divided into three stages. The first stage consists of an export diagnosis; in the second stage, a market research is carried out; finally, the agenda of contacts is optimized for the execution of trade missions of the company through ProCórdoba Agency.

Thus, the goal is to set the defined mechanism as "learning by doing". This initiative is registered within the Diverpymex Program that, for 10 years, has been implemented by Banco Credicoop Foundation in Argentina.

Participating companies

During 2014, the following companies were part of this program:

Samal Agro (inputs for crop production, Las Varillas)

Denimed  (dental equipment, Córdoba).

Toucek Herramientas (tools and accessories for machines, Carlos Paz).

Metalúrgica Bognanno (metallurgy, Córdoba).

LM Amoblamientos (manufacture of furniture, Villa del Rosario).

Vecchio Pool (parlour games, Córdoba).

Dicsys  (business consultants, Córdoba).

Industrias Airvam (rifle accessories, Córdoba).

TRV Dispositivos Electrónicos (electrical devices, Córdoba).

Barbale Agropecuaria (support activities for agriculture, Córdoba).

Alfacal (mega bales, Calchín).

Scarpatti Amoblamientos (manufacture of furniture, Córdoba).

Ormay (cookers, ovens, and heaters, Córdoba).

Gráfica Latina (security printers, Córdoba). 


We invite you to watch the complete interview made to Natalia Heyd Murad from Gráfica Latina.



For further information:

Simón Blengino

Manager of the Area of Technical and Commercial Information

E- mail: [email protected]

Tel.: 4343065 Int.: 600.