- ProCórdoba Agency has designed a program for companies and entrepreneurs to reach international markets.
- It aims at penetrating and consolidating a company's presence in strategic foreign markets and promoting economic growth in order to generate employment.
Through ProCórdoba Agency, the Government of the Province of Córdoba drives the design of strategies for companies and entrepreneurs to reach international markets.
With this goal, it presented the new project to strengthen Córdoba's exports aimed at the software, biotechnology and agtech clusters. Together with these three sectors, ProCórdoba has outlined a program aimed at penetrating and consolidating a company's presence in strategic foreign markets and promoting economic growth in order to generate employment.
ProCórdoba's President Pablo de Chiara explained that a joint program has been designed to contribute business intelligence to these three clusters. The goal, said the officer, is "to implement a process that will allow us to be much more efficient in international trade."
The plan is part of a strategy that recognizes that, every year, the knowledge economy gains more and more strength both in the local market and in international trade. Today, this dynamic sector, which uses talent as its main input, represents the third largest export complex in Córdoba, and its goods and services are renowned for their innovative and professional quality.
A Strategic, Phased Plan
The provincial government's initiative consists of three stages. The first entails a diagnosis of sector verticals, an analysis of the export offer, and the definition of markets. During the second stage, the market is assessed in terms of political, legal, tax and currency exchange factors. Finally, specific strategies are designed based on the evidence.
Luis Argañaraz, President of the Córdoba Chamber of Health Industries, said that the meeting was the "initial kick-off for the internationalization of several companies."
Also present was the executive director of the Central Argentina Chamber of Informatics, Electronics and Communications Industries (CIIECCA), Pablo Bozzano, who expressed that the meeting sought to define "the verticals, the markets and the strategic approach to be used by our companies in the world."
The executive praised the government's initiative to generate "a plan that will have a favorable impact on our sector."