Students ended its Pre-Professional Internships at ProCórdoba

Students of the Faculty Economic Sciences and the Faculty of Psychology at the National University of Córdoba (UNC), and students at the Siglo 21 Business University  (UES21) and students of the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations at the Catholic University of Córdoba (UCC) ended their pre-professional internships at  ProCórdoba Agency.

These internships are intended that the students learn all the necessary tools in order for them to be able to collect, understand and analyze the information related to foreign trade and develop social skills and abilities regarding the world of work (work team, goal fulfillment, etc.).

It is important to say that this program has been used by the Agency since 2011. Not only local but also foreign students have participated in it. Around 25 students have been participating each year with a high degree of workplace insertion.

Have access to more information about these internships by clicking here