Successful International Business Round in AgroActiva 2016

Within the framework of Agroactiva 2016, the International Business Round was developed. It was organized by ProCórdoba Agency with the support of the Federal Investment Council (CFI), National Agricultural Technology Institute (INTA) and the Government of Santa Fe Province.    

In the 11th Edition of the International Business Round, 420 business interviews were held and 16 foreign operators participated in them with a renewed interest in the Argentine market: five international companies belong to non-traditional markets, such as Australia, Belarus, Russia and South Africa. The rest of them represents Latin American countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Peru and Uruguay. The Colombian country is well-known as one of the strategic markets within the agricultural machinery and agro-parts sector.

The Business Round was developed in three hard working days. There were 71 companies registered from Santa Fe, Córdoba, Buenos Aires and La Pampa.

Roberto Rossotto, General Manager of ProCórdoba Agency, said:

"We are pleased by the magnitude of this fair. There was mood change and renewed interest on the part of the companies and the international operators. We know that foreign trade does not have immediate results and that in a few months, contacts will be strengthened and sales will be made.”

On his part, Luis Gilli, Trade Promotion Manager, said:

"This business round scheme is very important because the foreign companies that visited the fair had the opportunity to have a first meeting with local companies. They exhibit their products and invite the operators to visit their stands, creating a close business relationship.”

Gilli continued: “in each business round  a particular strategy is set out. In this case, key markets such as Belarus, South Africa and Australia improved. We continue working with Latin America, as in the case of Bolivia, Colombia, Peru and Uruguay. On the other hand, this year, the equipment and technology for the dairy sector have been incorporated to this traditional agricultural machinery round.  The organization of Agroactiva has included this new profile.”

The Trade Promotion Manager concluded:

"ProCórdoba has been working in the organization of this business round for 11 years and eventually, we've achieved the positioning of this service. The entrepreneurs know that the business interviews provide them with business opportunities. The operators are strategically selected and they coincide with the market supply of the local companies. There has been a change of attitude among the Argentinian entrepreneurs to start business relations again and bet on new markets.”

The importers expressed their perspectives after participating in this meeting. Victor Eugui, representative of Paressa from Uruguay, said: 

“I've participated in this fair for several years but this is my first experience at the business round.  Argentina is our natural supplier and the essence of these business meetings is to interact directly to companies and to contact first hand suppliers. We've found what we've been searching for: new technology and component parts for our machinery. I congratulate ProCórdoba for the management and organization of the round. We are satisfied with the results. We've informally closed deals and we hope to come back to our country and revise details in order to be able to consolidate imports.”

From Colombia, Fernando Soto, Manager of Soto, said:

“We are manufacturers and traders of inputs and agricultural machinery. It's the first time that I participate in this round. I was invited by ProCórdoba Agency. It a huge fair! The supply is varied and attractive. I consider that we are going to do business with companies we've interviewed during these working days. They have products that can be applied to our country. The expectations were highly met. I highlight the work of the Argentine Embassy in Colombia and of ProCórdoba Agency because we've received the best attention. It's a professional and multidisciplinary group with qualified people. We are satisfied and grateful.”

To close opinions about business opportunities, Camilo Casares from the Ecuadorian company, Iván Bohman C.A, and Eddy Pinto Mancilla, representative of the Bolivian company ProCampo, said:“We are impressed by the magnitude of this fair. We've found a variety of suppliers with excellent and good quality products. Agroactiva is a first-level agricultural technology."  

Markets that generated greater interest

36 % of local companies were interested in the South African and in the Colombian market, 31% in Australia, 28% in Russia and 26% in Peru.

Potentiality of declared business

Regarding the results, 36 % of local companies declared to have business opportunities in the short and midterm for approximately U$S 4,000,000

ProCórdoba has organized these business meetings in Agroactiva for 11 years. This fair is nominated as the largest business generator centre chosen by producers, technical professionals and national and international researchers.