The Province will Inject ARS 600 million into the Export Ecosystem

  • Governor Martín Llaryora launched ProCórdoba Agency's services for 2024.
  • The goal is to reach more than 3,000 local companies and entrepreneurs, tripling the number from last year.
  • At the same time, the Banco de Córdoba has launched specific credit lines for export development enterprises.

The Governor announced an investment of 600 million pesos and the launching of two credit lines through Banco de Córdoba, aimed at financing international trade.

The purpose of these initiatives is to support the internationalization of products and services of Córdoba's companies through technical assistance, financing and relations.

It is worth noting that in 2023 the programs of ProCórdoba Agency reached more than one thousand companies, while this year it is expected to triple that figure.

Martín Llaryora highlighted that this effort is a beacon of light from the interior of the country in times of recession, and underscored, "Our province has an export calling, and that is something that is part of the identity of our businesspeople and entrepreneurs."

"If there is something that makes Córdoba stand out and which is not much talked about, it is business solidarity, the strength of its institutions and public-private work. This is part of the character that sets us apart year after year in Argentina. Put simply, in terms of export, we in some cases have twice as much potential as others," said the Governor.

And he added, "For us things are much more difficult because we do not have a port. Yet we have an export culture, even when located in the center of Argentina, which has made us overcome the logistics problems of the country. So, the effort of our productive sector needs to be exceedingly greater, it must be much more competitive to beat the adverse conditions facing us."

In turn, the president of ProCórdoba Agency, Pablo De Chiara, assured that the program's priority is to reach as many companies as possible in the province. He explained, "This is an extremely useful toolbox for SMEs and large companies in Córdoba, to help them expand to the world and get their products to international markets."

"We have to give the country more exports, because if we do so, we generate more employment for the people of Córdoba. That is what governing is all about," noted the Governor.

Trade promotion

As regards trade promotion events, ProCórdoba Agency plans to participate in 54 shows and missions to 15 countries (Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, France, Germany, India, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, United Arab Emirates, United States, and Russia).

Furthermore, ten inward missions will bring to different regions of Córdoba delegations interested in various productive sectors (technology, electronics, audiovisual, cultural, agricultural machinery and technology, auto parts, oil, gas and mining, food and beverage goods and services).

The vice president of the Córdoba Chamber of Foreign Trade, Marcelo Olmedo, thanked the Governor for launching this initiative and said, “There is no other way but to go out and compete in the world, but we need to have the State support business and help put Córdoba on the map.”

For her part, Silvina Grasso, a manager at Leistung, said, “The internationalization of companies entails much more than increasing exports, it involves a paradigm shift. Public-private engagement is very important to be able to go through this process and that is why I highly value working together with ProCórdoba Agency, which has been supporting companies for years and which allows a more powerful participation in foreign trade.”.

Developing the export offer

In order to develop the export offer, the Agency will work side-by-side with companies on their way to positioning themselves in foreign markets. To this end, the process involves the following stages:

  • Diagnosis (study) of export potential.

  • Definition of a business’s export offer (good or service/quality/production)
  • Market research and identification of buyers at the destination countries.
  • Positioning strategy and tasks for new markets..

There are two tools companies will be able to use to achieve these goals:

About the credit lines

The two credit lines launched by Banco de Córdoba are focused on export development and are already available for application at

The first line’s beneficiaries are companies from Córdoba which develop their activities abroad. The line offers financing for technical assistance and also for expenses associated with “export promotion and development of export projects.”

The loan is in pesos, with a 12-month term and up to 3 months’ grace period for the payment of the principal. The rate may be fixed (32% APR) or variable in the case of MSMEs. For non-MSMEs, the rate is fixed at 40%.

The second line, meanwhile, is in dollars and the beneficiaries are exporting companies from Córdoba seeking pre-financing. The quota is 7 million dollars at a 6-month term (2.5% APR) or a 12-month (3.5% APR).

In this regard, the provincial bank’s president, Raúl Paolasso, stated, “This new initiative of the provincial government seeks to collaborate with Córdoba’s companies so that they may export goods and services. It contributes to boosting the economy, sustaining and strengthening the province’s activity.”

For more information, please visit

Also present were Minister of Production, Science and Innovation Pedro Dellarossa; Minister of Bioagroindustry Sergio Busso; Minister of Cooperatives Martín Gill; Secretary of Regional Integration Juan Carlos Massei; president of the Córdoba Culture Agency Raúl Sansica; acting president of the Legislature Facundo Torres; and Member of the Legislature Miguel Siciliano.