
In the framework of the Pre-Professional Training Program , the area of International Relations and Cooperation of ProCórdoba Agency hosted  Sébastien Poncini (25), student of International Relations at the Université de Geneve.

Below,  Sébastien will tell us his experience at ProCórdoba Agency.

Which are the benefits you've received from your experience working at the Agency?

Having worked in this institution was a good opportunity for me because I was able to develop my skills. ProCórdoba's main goal is to promote Córdoba's production in international markets. The location of ProCórdoba in Latin America is also important.

The tasks I had to perform were specially selected by my director, with the aim of putting my "European academic" knowledge into practice and consequently, contributing to the area of  International Relations and Cooperation of the agency

I had the opportunity to see how the development organizations work, such as the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)  or the World Bank. I was able to know about the requirements for developing a project, tender publications, etc. I was also able to practice Spanish professionally.

I prepared a final report for my university, where I linked my studies about “Europe and its interaction with the world” and what I learnt during my stay at ProCórdoba, which was mainly based on decentralized cooperation. I realized that different regions play a key role in the economic and political processes worldwide. So, after my civil service in Switzerland, I want to get a job linked to the decentralized cooperation, perhaps in the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. 

Do you think that having been part of ProCórdoba Agency was profitable for you when looking for a job?

I believe that this experience has improved my CV significantly. I was able to develop my job during these months. Sometimes, it was a bit difficult to do it but I always had the support of the team work of the area; I want to thank them and to thank Viviana Arias who was my director in this experience.              

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