Visit to Fair and Workshop of Technological Supply Mission- Paraguay

ProCórdoba Agency reports that pre-registrations are open to participate in the Visit to Fair and Workshop of Technological Supply Mission in the city of Santa Rita, Paraguay, from 5th to 8th May 2015.

This event is jointly organized by the Department of Export Promotion of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, the Argentine Consulate in Ciudad Del Este, the Association of Manufacturers of Agricultural Machinery and Agro components of the Province of Córdoba (AFAMAC) and Procórdoba Agency.

Work Methodology

The workshop of technological supply will be held in the framework of the Fair of Santa Rita, Paraguay. It will consist of a meeting among companies of the Province of Córdoba belonging to the Agricultural Machinery and Agro-parts sector with distributors and importers. In the remaining time, you will be able to visit the fair to evaluate its importance.

Assistance Mechanism 

In this case, a single travel company will be hired and it will be in charge of booking flights and hotels. Once they are selected, they will be sent to you together with the amount of the reimbursement that will be given to every participating company.

One representative per company will be assisted by ProCórdoba Agency with the 50% of the travel package cost which involves: airfare, accommodation, and transfer airport-hotel-airport in double (shared) room. This support will be offered by means of a reimbursement mechanism. The amount in pesos will be defined and announced shortly.

Necessary conditions for participating in the Delegation:

* You must register your company in the Directory of Exportable Offer. Otherwise, you must apply for registration via the following e-mail: [email protected] 

* You must have your personal documentation in order to travel abroad and take into account the conditions of entry and residence in the destination country.

Companies interested in participating in this activity must send the attached registration form as soon as possible in order to evaluate the company' profile (no validity of definitive registration).

For further information:

José María Costa

Commercial Promotion

E-mail: [email protected] 

Tel: (351) 4343065/68  Int. 507